6 Ways to Become a Pharmacy Technician

To become a pharmacy technician, you need to complete a formal education or training program, pass a certification exam, and gain practical experience in a pharmacy setting.


On-the-Job Training

Some pharmacies offer on-the-job training for individuals interested in becoming pharmacy technicians. This option typically involves working under the supervision of a licensed pharmacist and gaining experience in the day-to-day duties of a pharmacy technician. However, it is important to note that many states require formal education and/or certification for pharmacy technicians, and on-the-job training may not be sufficient to meet these requirements.


Pharmacy Technician Programs

Many vocational schools, community colleges, and technical schools offer pharmacy technician programs that can provide the necessary education and training to become a pharmacy technician. These programs typically take between 6 months to 2 years to complete and include courses in pharmacology, pharmacy law, medical terminology, and more.


Online Pharmacy Technician Programs

Online pharmacy technician programs offer a flexible alternative to traditional in-person programs. These programs typically include online coursework, virtual labs, and clinical rotations at approved pharmacy sites. It is important to ensure that the program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) and recognized by state licensing boards.



Some states offer apprenticeship programs for individuals interested in becoming pharmacy technicians. These programs typically involve a combination of on-the-job training and classroom instruction, and may be offered through community colleges or other educational institutions. Apprenticeship programs can be a great way to gain experience while earning a salary.


Obtain certification through a professional organization

The Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) and the National Healthcareer Association (NHA) offer certification programs for pharmacy technicians. These certifications can be obtained by passing an exam and meeting other requirements.


Attend a pharmacy technician training program

Pharmacy technician training programs are shorter and less comprehensive than formal education programs, but can still provide the necessary skills and knowledge to become a pharmacy technician. These programs can be found at vocational schools or community colleges.

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