Iowa Accredited Medical Billing and Coding Training Programs and Schools

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Studying in Iowa can be a unique and enriching experience for students looking to pursue higher education. Iowa is known for its rolling hills, prairies, and vibrant culture, and the state has several colleges and universities that offer a variety of programs and degrees. Some institutions are located in larger cities, such as Des Moines or Iowa City, while others are located in smaller towns or rural areas. Studying in Iowa can also provide opportunities to explore the state’s natural beauty, such as its state parks, historic sites, and natural landmarks.

Financial Aid for Medical Billing and Coding Programs in Iowa

Iowa offers a range of financial aid options for students, including federal aid such as grants and loans, as well as state-specific aid such as the Iowa Tuition Grant and the All Iowa Opportunity Scholarship. Many institutions also offer scholarships and other forms of aid to help students cover the cost of their education.

Iowa Accredited Medical Billing and Coding Training Programs and Schools

Allen College – School of Health Sciences

Address: 1825 Logan Avenue, Waterloo, IA 50703
Program: Certificate in Medical Billing and Coding, Associate of Science in Medical Billing and Coding

Des Moines Area Community College

Address: 2006 South Ankeny Boulevard, Ankeny, IA 50023
Program: Diploma in Medical Coding

Eastern Iowa Community College District

Address: 306 West River Drive, Davenport, IA 52801
Program: Diploma in Medical Coding

Kaplan University – Cedar Rapids Campus

Address: 3165 Edgewood Parkway SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
Program: Certificate in Medical Billing and Coding

Kirkwood Community College

Address: 6301 Kirkwood Boulevard SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
Program: Diploma in Medical Coding

Northeast Iowa Community College

Address: 1625 Highway 150 South, Calmar, IA 52132
Program: Diploma in Medical Coding

Southeastern Community College

Address: 1500 West Agency Road, West Burlington, IA 52655
Program: Diploma in Medical Coding

Western Iowa Tech Community College

Address: 4647 Stone Avenue, Sioux City, IA 51102
Program: Diploma in Medical Coding

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