Requirements to Start a Pharmacy Technician Program

Starting a pharmacy technician program generally requires researching and selecting a program, meeting educational requirements such as a high school diploma, completing an application process, and considering factors such as accreditation, certification, and financial aid options.

What Else Might be Required to Start A Pharmacy Tech Program?

In addition to meeting the admission requirements of the specific program, there may be a few other requirements to start a pharmacy technician program.

Background check

Some pharmacy technician programs may require students to undergo a background check before being admitted to the program. This is to ensure that students can meet the requirements for licensure or certification and have a clean criminal record.

Health requirements

Pharmacy technician programs may require students to meet certain health requirements such as vaccinations, tuberculosis (TB) tests, and other health screenings. This is to ensure that students can safely work in a healthcare setting and reduce the risk of transmitting infectious diseases.

Technology requirements

Pharmacy technician programs may require students to have access to certain technology such as a computer, internet access, and software applications. This is to enable students to complete coursework, communicate with instructors and classmates, and access online resources.

Professional liability insurance

Some pharmacy technician programs may require students to obtain professional liability insurance. This type of insurance provides coverage in case of any claims or lawsuits related to professional duties performed during the program.

Language proficiency

Pharmacy technician programs may require students to demonstrate proficiency in English or another language, particularly if the program includes patient communication or international pharmacy coursework.

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