Indiana Accredited Dental Assistant Training Programs and Schools

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Studying in Indiana can offer students a high-quality education, vibrant campus life, and a range of cultural and recreational opportunities in a welcoming and friendly environment. Some institutions are located in larger cities, such as Indianapolis or South Bend, while others are located in smaller towns or rural areas. Studying in Indiana can also provide opportunities to explore the state’s natural beauty, such as its lakes, forests, and state parks.

Financial Aid for Dental Assistant Programs in Indiana

Indiana offers a range of financial aid options for students, including federal aid such as grants and loans, as well as state-specific aid such as the Frank O’Bannon Grant and the 21st Century Scholars program. Many institutions also offer scholarships and other forms of aid to help students cover the cost of their education.

Indiana Accredited Dental Assistant Training Programs and Schools 2023

Updated March 2023

Brightwood College-Indianapolis

Address: 4200 S East St, Indianapolis, IN 46227

Program: Dental Assistant

Brown Mackie College-Merrillville

Address: 1000 E. 80th Place, Suite 2055N, Merrillville, IN 46410

Program: Dental Assisting

Harrison College-Indianapolis

Address: 550 East Washington Street, Indianapolis, IN 46204

Program: Dental Assisting

Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis

Address: 355 N. Lansing St, Indianapolis, IN 46202

Program: Dental Assisting

Ivy Tech Community College

Address: Multiple campuses throughout the state of Indiana

Program: Dental Assisting

Ross Medical Education Center

Address: Multiple campuses throughout the state of Indiana

Program: Dental Assistant

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