Alaska Accredited Occupational Therapy Assistant Training Programs and Schools

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Studying in Alaska can be a unique and rewarding experience for students looking to pursue higher education. Alaska is known for its beautiful landscapes, diverse culture, and close-knit communities, and the state has several colleges and universities that offer a variety of programs and degrees. Some institutions are located in larger cities, such as Anchorage, while others are located in more remote areas.

Financial Aid for Occupational Therapy Assistant Programs in Alaska

Alaska offers a range of financial aid options for students, including federal aid such as grants and loans, as well as state-specific aid such as the Alaska Education Grant. Many institutions also offer scholarships and other forms of aid to help students cover the cost of their education.

Alaska Accredited Occupational Therapy Assistant Training Programs and Schools 2023

Updated April 2023

University of Alaska Anchorage

3211 Providence Drive, Anchorage, AK 99508

Programs Offered: Associate of Applied Science in Occupational Therapy Assistant

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