8 Ways to Become a Dental Assistant


On-the-Job Training

Some dental assistants are trained on the job by the dentist or other experienced dental assistants. This type of training typically involves learning basic dental procedures and office protocols.


Certificate or Diploma Program

Many vocational schools, community colleges, and technical institutes offer certificate or diploma programs in dental assisting. These programs typically take about 9-12 months to complete and include classroom instruction as well as hands-on training in a dental office.


Associate’s Degree Program

Some community colleges and technical institutes offer associate’s degree programs in dental assisting. These programs typically take about 2 years to complete and include both classroom instruction and hands-on training.


Online Programs

There are also online dental assisting programs available that allow students to complete coursework at their own pace. However, it’s important to note that many states require hands-on training in a dental office as part of the certification process, so online programs may not be sufficient on their own.


Apprenticeship Program

Some dental assistants are trained on the job by the dentist or other experienced dental assistants. This type of training typically involves learning basic dental procedures and office protocols.


Military Training

The military offers dental assistant training programs for enlisted service members. These programs typically provide a combination of classroom instruction and on-the-job training in military dental clinics. After completing the program, service members can obtain certification and licensure as a dental assistant and use their skills in civilian dental offices after leaving the military.


Cross-Training from Another Healthcare Field

Some healthcare professionals, such as medical assistants or registered nurses, may cross-train to become dental assistants. These individuals may have transferable skills and knowledge that can be applied to dental assisting, but may still need to complete additional training and certification requirements to work as a dental assistant.


Workforce Development Program

Workforce development programs, which are offered by state or local government agencies, provide training and job placement assistance for individuals seeking employment in high-demand fields, such as healthcare. Some workforce development programs offer dental assistant training, which may be free or low-cost for eligible individuals. These programs typically include classroom instruction as well as hands-on training in a dental office, and can lead to certification or licensure as a dental assistant.

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